
wa. let talk abt ytd . . ytd i go for the service it was ok . after service forget go where liao . i know tt nite time i play ball games . hahas . it was fun =) . hahas . i enjoy ytd .oh ya i rmb. i find my cousin then go eat . i meet them at somewhere . i rmb , i scold wei hong hahas . pig and other . hehe . i everytime like tt wan .. but ytd li zhu bro bully me . then my CG mate help me to call him to said sry to me n my sis . hahas funny man . and my cousin bing hong , wei xiang n wei hao three ppl bully me man . 3 v 1 . i angry man . then bing hong wan to take the ball then wei hong put him .. hahas . siao . after tt i go kfc to meet ah ee . i saw anthony father n brother . 0.o . then just said hello ! and go home time said bye to them . .

today . i take care miko n yoko . hahas it was fun . got 8 ppl over there today .. 3 young little baby . all mine man . haha jk man . after tt we play . sleep 10 min only . yoko like to sleep but miko don like to sleep . hahas . after service i go home put bag . then go back church find yoko n miko . after they go home . i go up church play with mei xin n others ppl . also ball games . is like everyday i playing sport games . very tried man . i got english but i nv bring back forget i very scare tmr teacher school me . =( . but hope is no . coz i become more good girl now i already start a new life . oh ya ytd justin cry man , cos one boy bully him . and his sis . but i tell him is devil doing all this to let u cuy n sad all this then they saw u cry.they will be very happy is like tt wan . try to be more strong . God will halp you all days with ur life man . STAY FAITHFUL TO JESUS . . when i go home . we go down with wei hong . got ppl said bye wei hong one more said bye pig . and wei hong said bye . i said bye DK he said oi ! hahas . the DK story is really very funny man . hahas . i like to bully wei hong man . hahas .. is like ver fun lor . i think i going back to my CG man . i wanted to know them more . coz i part pf my Cg cannot alway with other ppl ! hahas . jesus i love you =) good nite


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